Thursday, October 18, 2012

HG 1/144 Union Flag (Custom)

Hi guys as I had mentioned before, I am working on 3 project and this will be the final upload for now, dont worry as I will be doing more gunplas in the future. Currently i am working on HG1/144 gundam age-1 and SD  gundam GP01Fb. The gundam GP01Fb will be my 1st SD kits and it will be challenging as this kits requires more refine technique in masking and as well as painting using brush. Among the 3 project that i had been working on, I am quite satisfied with the customization done on this union flag. What i meant by customization are the the color scheme and the custom decals. Also, I had changed the position of the wings where the original position was the smaller wings were supposed to be located at the hips area, where as the bigger wings were suppose to be on the shoulder backpack. Not forgetting that I am having a hard time in applying cement at the wing area however I manage to do it anyways. It was fun.

As for the color scheme, I am using Gaia black, nuetral grey IV, White, Clear purple. As for the overall purple I used Mr.color purple mixed with Gaia white. As for the lining, I used enamel black for the purple area and grey for the black area. I hope this information helps!

Happy modeling!


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

HGUC 1/144 Zaku I sniper type - Yoke kirks custom

HI gunplas, I am back with more review and customization however as a reminder there is a little mistake while doing seamline removing on the upper thigh of the zaku sniper, where i accidentally switch the hydraulics balance equipment on the left leg to the right leg which makes the zaku look weird while squatting. This was another painful experience for me and i would like to share it as a reminder to fellow modeler to check your kits before you apply the cement. I only realize the mistake when i am posing the zaku. I am alsoo using hasegawa tritool - scriber to make custom lining.

As for the colors I am using gundam color green and mr.color radome mixed with a pinch of white. I am also using mixture of gaia nuetral grey 2 with black. as for the lining i used tamiya enamel brown and silver to add detail into the parts and lastly for the booster i am using stainless steel silver.

Enjoy the picture and happy modelling.
